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3D BioPrinting - Build A Heart Save A Life - BioLife4D - Komentáře

3D BioPrinting - Build A Heart Save A Life - BioLife4D

3D BioPrinting - Build A Heart Save A Life - BioLife4D

http://biolife4d.com - BIOLIFE4D is a pioneering 3D bioprinting tech company, based in the Chicagoland area, which is leveraging current advances in life sciences and cardiac tissue engineering to build human hearts suitable for implantation- lifesaving technology that ultimately gives patients the gift of time. Operated by seasoned business leaders, guided by world-class biomedical engineers and life sciences experts, and financed through equity crowdfunding, BIOLIFE4D is driving a movement to transform the treatment of heart disease, the leading cause of death among both men and women globally. Kategorie: Věda a technika | Přidal: biolife4d | Zobrazení: 5770


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