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Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out (live) - Komentáře

Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out (live)

Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out (live)

Ospravedlňte výpadok obrazu 0:46 - 0:50, problém nie je vo vašom internetovom pripojení :-) Franz Ferdinand a ich megahit naživo, spieva cele hľadisko, čo viac si želat ... ;-) Kategorie: Hudba a tanec | Přidal: Butthead87 | Zobrazení: 1462


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escape24 | 23:01, 25. srpna 2008
Hodnocení:  1  |  Počet hodnocení 1   + -
And if you leave here, You leave me broken Shattered I lie I'm just a​cross-hair; I'm just a shot, then we can die I know I won't be leaving here With​you I say, don't you know? You say you don't know I say: take me out I stay,​you don't show Don't move; time is slow I say: take me out I say, you don't​know You say you don't go I say: take me out If I move, this could die Eyes​move; this could die I want you To take me out I know I won't be leaving here​(with you) I know I won't be leaving here I know I won't be leaving here (with​you) I know I won't be leaving here With you I say, don't you know? You say you​don't know I say: take me out If I wane, this could die I wait, this could​die I want you To take me out If I move, this could die Eyes move; this could​die C'mon -- Take me out I know I won't be leaving here (with you) I know I​won't be leaving here I know I won't be leaving here (with you) I know I won't be​leaving here With you
escape24 | 23:01, 25. srpna 2008
Hodnocení:  1  |  Počet hodnocení 1   + -
So, if you're lonely You know I'm here Waiting for you I'm just a​cross-hair; I'm just a shot away from you
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