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Nadherna pesnicka !! - Komentáře

Nadherna pesnicka !!

Nadherna pesnicka !!

ja z nej nemozem..pxeee..ye super.. Kategorie: Hudba a tanec | Přidal: Nikushiq69 | Zobrazení: 2817


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puma93 | 14:32, 27. listopadu 2008
Počet hodnocení 0   + -
Prechádzal si sa so mnou stopy v piesku a pomáhal si mi porozumiet kam idem​ prechádzal si sa so mnou ked som bola celkom sama s velmi cudzio dalej​cestou a len ked som predsa stratila cestu dal si mi silu pokracovat to je​ked som ta pocula povedat prisahám vzdy budem tu ked sa tvoje srdce naplni​smutkom a beznadejou postaram sa o teba ked budes potrebovat praitela najdes​moje stopy v piesku ked budem unaveny budem vediet ze si tu pretoze ta mozem​citit ked povies prisaham vzdy budem tu stopy v piesku plne smutku a zufalstva​ oh postaram sa o teba ked budes potrebovat priatela najdes moje stopy v piesku​ refren prisaham vzdy budem tu stopy v piesku plne smutku a zufalstva oh​postaram sa o teba ked budes potrebovat priatela najdes moje stopy v piesku
puma93 | 14:32, 27. listopadu 2008
Počet hodnocení 0   + -
You walked with me Footprints in the sand And helped me understand Where I'm​going You walked with me When I was all alone With so much unknown Along the​way And just when I I thought I'd lost my way You gave me strength to carry​on That's when I heard you say I promise you I'm always there When your heart​is filled with sorrow And despair And I'll carry you When you need a​friend You'll find my footprints in the sand When I'm weary Well I know you'll be​there Cause I can feel you When you say I promise you I'm always there When​your heart is filled with sadness and despair Oh, I'll carry you When you need a​friend You'll find my footprints in the sand (choir) When your heart is full​of sadness and despair I'll carry you When you need a friend I promise you I'm​always there When you need a friend You'll find my footprints In the sand
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